Anupama Episode 29 Written Updated(Oct, 21 2022)

Anupamaa bustles around the kitchen, a whirlwind of activity. Pots clatter, spices fill the air, and decorations adorn the walls. Today is Janmashtami, a special Hindu festival, and the Shah household is buzzing with preparations.


Samar, Anupamaa’s youngest son, bursts into the kitchen, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

SAMAR Ready for some Janmashtami fun, Ma?

ANUPAMAA (Smiling) Almost, Samar. Just need to finish these garlands.

SAMAR Speaking of fun, guess who just arrived?


SAMAR Kavya’s niece, Nandini! She seems like a firecracker, just wait till you meet her.

ANUPAMAA (A beat of worry) Oh?


Suddenly, the front door opens, and a young woman strides in. She’s dressed in stylish clothes, contrasting with the more traditional attire of the Shah family. This is NANDINI.

NANDINI Wow, this place smells amazing! Must be all that festive cooking.

SAMAR (Chuckling) Actually, that’s all Ma. She’s a superstar in the kitchen.

Nandini raises an eyebrow, giving Samar a playful once-over.

NANDINI Superstar, huh? Let’s see if she can handle a little spice challenge later.

Samar throws his head back and laughs. Anupamaa watches their interaction, a hint of concern flickering in her eyes.


The family gathers for the puja, a traditional prayer ceremony. Vanraj, Anupamaa’s ex-husband, throws a sly glance at Anupamaa.

VANRAJ Speaking of missing people, Kavya should be here for this, shouldn’t she?

ANUPAMAA (Frowning) We invited her, Vanraj. But she said she couldn’t make it due to family commitments.

VANRAJ Ah, that’s a shame. Maybe I should have called and insisted.

Anupamaa bites her lip, sensing Vanraj’s hidden agenda. The puja commences, filled with chanting and offerings. Despite the strained atmosphere, there’s a flicker of hope for unity.


After the puja, Nandini and Samar find themselves alone in the kitchen.

NANDINI So, you think you can handle that spice challenge?

SAMAR (Smirking) Bring it on. I can handle anything you throw at me.

Nandini grabs a green chili, a mischievous glint in her eyes. The scene fades out as they erupt in laughter, their playful banter hinting at a spark between them.

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